The digital Jan van Haasteren museum!

Releases 2020

At Facebook Jumbo has published the first releases for 2020.

In January the start will be The Art Market (De Kunstmarkt) in 1000 and 2000 pieces, drawn by Jan. The image was used for an exhibition in Bergen, but for the puzzle the logo will be removed. The second new puzzle will contain 1000 pieces and is called Cruise Ship (Het Cruise schip). And finally the next puzzle in 500 XL pieces will be released: Christmas (Kerstmis).

In February on the occasion of the 65 anniversary of Miffy there will be a special release of The Ballon Festival in 1000 pieces: Hooray, Miffy 65 years (Hoera, Nijntje 65 jaar).

In April a new puzzle drawn by Jan in 1000 pieces will be released: Eurosong Contest.

And in May a puzzle with 1500 pieces will be released, drawn by Rob, title Chalk up! (Krijt op tijd).

The next is ready in June: Island Retreat (Rondje Texel) in 1000 pieces, drawn by Dick.

In July comes Almost Ready? (Bijna Klaar?), 1000 pieces, drawn by Jan.

September brings us three new boxes with four new puzzles. The first is Gallery of Curiosities (Rariteitenkabinet) in 3000 pieces, drawn by Rob . Then a combo with 2 x 1000 pieces, both drawn by Rob: Gallery of Curiosities and Rembrandt's Studio (Rembrandts Atelier). The third puzzle is drawn by Jan with 1000 pieces Jumbo goes shopping (Jumbo gaat winkelen).

In October we will have The Library in 2000 pieces (not a new image, we had it in 1000 pieces already) by artist Rob and Children's Birthday Party in 1000 pieces drawn by Dick.

The last puzzle of 2020 (November) will be New Year Celebration!, in 500 pieces, drawn by Jan.

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